I'zamzizi Nitsah


Name: I'zamzizi Nitsah
Friends often call her I'za, or Zizi
- Former outlaw turned priestess after pledging herself to the Elementals with her dying breath.
- Protects and enacts the will of the Twelveswood.
- Nurtures a garden shrine deep in the woods.
- Sometimes indulges in her old habits from life.
Age: Late 20's
Race: Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Cis Female (She/Her pronouns)
Sexuality: Bisexual - Female Preference
Personality: Often willing to help, sometimes insolent, perpetually sassy.
Canon Job(s): White Mage, RogueAppearance: Sunny blonde hair and vivid aqua blue eyes. Green, revealing fabrics with crossing leather bindings on the legs and arms. Gladiator sandals Wears a golden circlet of olive branches atop her head.
Tattoos: White inscriptions up her forearms that come up to the elbow.
Gear/Inventory: A large golden staff radiating with natural magics, a small satchel with two knives hidden in the bottom beneath reagents and rations.


Once upon a midnight dreary, a cutpurse lay in wait behind a tree of the Twelveswood...She darted out from her cover, knives out and beak raring for blood, only for her quarry to quickly clip her wings.Escaping with a mortal wound, it was clear she grossly underestimated the lone traveler. Through the bramble she scrambled just before falling into a moonlit clearing, and her eyes set upon a forgotten shrine to the elements."I can't die here; help me!" So cried the self-proclaimed agnostic, deathly pale and kneeling in a pool of her blood at the base of the altar. Her last words of devotion did not fall upon deaf ears, and as she crumpled to the ground, the cutpurse witnessed blinding light.Hale and healthy, the cutpurse rose the following day and retracted her claws. Divine power now coursed through her form and guided her mind away from the life of an outlaw.She had cheated death.Freedom now traded away for a second chance at life; the priestess is not just tempered by the forest... She's possessed by it.


Come find me if you're seeking an RP scene?Data Server: Crystal
World: Balmung
Discord: Xynthandra#0921